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Welcome to the Natural Coalescence Blog
Here you will find botanical tales and planty fun of all kinds with botany nerding and ecology through a entertaining lens.

12 min read
Dying Season- make natural dye/ink
Making and testing natural inks & dyes from fruits and flowers in PNW.

6 min read
Blue thou art… whence came thy dazzling hue?
Blue flowers are the RAREST color. I’ve noticed this for a long time. And it makes sense. But it is also confusing and weird and...
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3 min read
Avalanche Bros: Erythronium grandiflorum
There’s a disturbance in the woods. The snow has melted in most places, the skiers have slipped away with the entrance of spring. And...
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4 min read
The Dahlia Delight
Plant obsessions go through trends, just like the huge tulip obsession and flash trade market that was huge for a short time, then...
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5 min read
Rosy Twisted-Stalk- tasty mountain stream treat
I would bet this plant is among those that most people, even the botanically interested, would pass right by. Rosy twisted-stalks, and...
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9 min read
Mystical Mistletoes
Mistletoes get an interesting and sort of bad rep. They are only really thought about during the holidays (unless by botanists) and many...
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