Rain Gardens
Did you know many urban areas have funds for homeowners and businesses (even schools) to build their own special rain-water flood-reduction gardens? And they are cheaper and easier to maintain than a lawn! These are part of what's called "green infrastructure", like rain barrels and green roofs. Want your city to pay for yours and help reduce flooding at the same time??
Click for more about what ARE rain gardens from the Watershed Institute. How rain gardens reduce stormwater flooding while filtering pollutants naturally to also improve out river and ground water.
PNW Area Programs
Nationwide Rain Garden Help
Rainwater flooding is a problem in some urban areas but not all, depending on climate and urban infrastructure, but with populations increasing and reducing permeable surfaces for rainwater to reach the ground water, more places are facing this problem. Thus the need for raingardens is rising in many areas. I found a few examples beyond my PNW region. If you've seen bioswales around your town, you likely also benefit from rain gardens (they are close kin).

Farmer's Almanac guide
Info on a couple designs (sun or shade) and the types of plants for a general raingarden.
Some broad information on raingardens and links to several east coast states for them. Including: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Vermont. Plus at "what to plant database" link for several options of finding good plants for any area.
A guide specifically for the plants for a Pennsylvania area RG, giving suggested plant types for the three rain garden zones.