Homeowner's Handbooks:
Xerces Society Pollinator Resources Guides
Region-specific collections of publications, native seed suppliers, and additional resources to aid in planning, creating, restoring, and maintaining pollinator habitat—plus materials to learn about the various invertebrate pollinators you might encounter in your region.
Pollinator Plants for the PNW maritime region
​Homeowners guide for planting high quality pollinator resource plants (making many flowers with high pollen and nectar production).
Guide for gardening with native species:
​"Birds and bugs are ready to help with your
gardening chores... naturally.. Simply make your
yard a pesticide-free zone, and follow a few
easy steps. Natural gardening isn’t just beautiful
and fun- it also protects children, pets, streams,
and forests from harmful garden chemicals."
More guides for pollinator plants in PNW:
Page with multiple guides for pollinator-friendly land management for homeowners.
Habitat Assessment Guide for Pollinators
"Landscaping for pollinators is one of the easiest ways for urban, suburban, and rural residents to directly benefit local wildlife. Schoolyards, community gardens, back yards, corporate campuses, rain gardens, and neighborhood parks all have the potential to meet the most basic needs of pollinators..."


